Web Designing

Course Duration: 5 Months

Web design course that provide student with training in Print Media, Web, and
Graphic. This course help digital industry such as Digital Marketing, Web Sites, and more to create innovation parts of digital communication.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

Course Content

Web Design

When designing a website, it’s important to look after the website from both aspects i.e. functionality and front end design. Your site’s usability includes elements such as an easy-to-navigate interface, proper use of graphics and images, well-written and well-placed text, and a colour order. Your site’s performance refers to its speed, ranking, search ability, and ability to capture your audience.

Web Concept

Web concept is used to design and develop the structure, design, representation, and architectural base of a particular website.

Basic Seo Info.

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” In simple terms, it means the process of improving your site performance to increase its visibility for relevant searches.

Fundamentals of Design

Design involves appropriate planning and principles to construct design content. In designing process, we use various functionalities such as forms and structures to create meaningful content in a graphic form.

Logo Design

Logos or brand signs are a visual identity of any business/ entities. It could be anything— a symbol, a text, or a combination of both.

Content Design

To develop info-graphics and marketing content for creating promotional marketing campaigns on various social media platforms. These helps enterprises to expand their digital footprint and to effectively engage with targeted audience. Furthermore, the digital content is developed and promoted based upon the end-user’s expectation.

Interactive Design

it helps us to gauge the interaction between users and products on a website.

Front End Design

Involves creating HTML, CSS and presentational JavaScript code that make up a user interface.

Image Editing

Image editing is a process of enhancing or improving image quality using different techniques, tools or software.


Illustrations are the drawings that are used for creation of user-friendly websites or applications. Thorough Illustrator, we can create an imaginary object/image into real-time designs.

Graphic Design

Graphic design express certain ideas or messages via visual graphic. These visuals can be as simple as a business logo or as complex as page layouts on a website.

Page Layout

Page layout refers to the arrangement of text, images, and other objects on a page. The term was initially used in desktop publishing (DTP), but is now commonly used to describe the layout of webpages.

UI Design

It helps to create attractive user interface design using several interactive elements such as drop-down menus, form fields, clickable elements, animations, button styling, and more.


Web designing build a Career easier than ever before.

Web Designer

UI Designer

Packaging Designer

Mobile Content Designer

Page Layout Artist

Interactive E-learning Designer

Graphic Designer

Logo Designer

Software Covered

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